Who do you want to become?

who do you want to become?

We are in the process of creating some new kits for our “Who Do You Want To Become” category. In these kits famous people and a few fictional characters will act as mentors for self-development.

You will be able to use these by yourself or in the company of friends, family or co-workers. The idea is that you will do one each morning. Here is a sample of one of the mentor handouts. They will allow you to see different approaches to life and help you make progress towards being the person you want to be.

Or you could meet with people each week and have a party doing eight of them together and afterwards sharing whatever insights you wish to share. If you want, you can also dress up as one of the famous people to add to the fun.

We would really appreciate it if you could help us out by answering these questions below in the comments section of this blog:

  1. Which famous person (ideally one that is no longer alive) has inspired you?
  2. What about their life inspired you the most?

We have decided to make them more game like so we’ve included a crossword puzzle item for each mentor. These kits will hopefully create some need for self-reflection. You may need to close your eyes to do that.

We would love to know which famous person inspires you the most and any feedback you may have about this project. Please comment below.

Thanks so much!


Stephanie Chambers – Director of Merri Mysteries Inc

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