Murder On The Prairie Additional Characters


  • You can use the same kit as a play for 8 to 16 guests or download even more characters and use it as a “meet and mingle” kit where everyone mingles and talks about their clue(s) and then hears some Reports.
  • You can also use it for a quick 30-40 minute party or school classroom activity by skipping Acts 2 and 3 and just doing Act One and reading out the Reports.
  • Shorter clues (so easier to read).
  • This mystery has been used and enjoyed by adults and teens!
  • Select which items you want below by adding “1” on the left.




One of the best Wild West party games available! A real hoe-down murder mystery!

This mystery party game is perfect for friend and family get togethers. The host’s guide contains decor ideas for your Wild West party.


  • Downloadable Base Kit for 8 guests (4 female and 4 male) ($24.95):

Overview of the murder

Yesterday in Mitchido Richard Woods – a wealthy landowner – was shot down in cold blood whilst he was riding to town. He leaves behind his wife Katherine and daughter Annabel. There is a gathering of his family and the townsfolk to discuss what should be done. The people at the meeting look uneasy. They are not sure who will be arrested as the murderer and they are afraid that the gunslingers that are present might take the law into their own hands if they don’t like the verdict.


Annabel Woods: “Daddy found out that I’d kissed a boy at school. He told me I couldn’t ride my horse Black Beauty for a whole month. I cried and cried until my tear tank was dry.”

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